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Smart Tips for Dealing With the Police


There are few things as frustrating, annoying, and stressful as dealing with the police. Oftentimes, the police can feel like aggressors, and sometimes they take on the role of aggressor to get a rise out of you that could be used against you. Cops can make you nervous, uneasy, and uncomfortable, and thrive in situations where they can hold the power. Dealing with the police properly and effectively is one of the most important aspects of setting up a successful trial for yourself, and the way you handle the police can make a huge impact on the outcome of your trial. Here are three smart times for dealing with the police you should always follow.

Remain Calm

The first tip that can help you deal with the police is to always remain calm. Acting belligerent, aggressive, energetically, or in a stressed manner can give the cops the impression that you are resisting arrest or behaving strangely and use that against you both at the time of your arrest and again in court. The most important thing is to stay calm, cool, and collected, and remain kind and respectful as much as you can.

Don’t Answer Questions Without a Lawyer

The next tip that will help you deal with the police in the best way possible is to avoid answering questions without a lawyer. You are allowed the legal right to have a lawyer present for all questioning, and that includes anytime you speak to police. Whatever you tell the police can be held against you at your trial. Any questions the police ask you at the time of your arrest are not questions you are required to answer, and it is best to assert your right to remain silent and not talk to a cop at any time without the presence of a lawyer.

Don’t Agree to Any Tests or Searches

The final tip that will help you deal with the police is to not submit to any searches or tests that you are not required to. For instance, many people don’t know that if they are pulled over under the suspicion of a DUI, you can and should refuse to take a breathalyzer or field sobriety test. While these are technically violations of certain statutes, it greatly protects your ability to defend your innocence in court and is always a good idea.

When dealing with the police, knowing the proper tips and tricks is essential to beating your case. While dealing with the police may not be as straightforward as you would hope, knowing a few key things can make it easier. Follow these three smart tips for dealing with the police most effectively.



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