Twenty-six percent of Americans surveyed in a poll released Friday stated they had not had sex in the last year, a three percent increase on previous results, suggesting Americans are having less and less sex.
The decline in sexual activity amongst America’s adult population is part of an ongoing trend uncovered by 2021 General Social Survey conducted by University of California, Berkeley. The last two times the survey was conducted, in 2016 and 2018, 23% of Americans stated that they had not had sex in the prior year, according to reports by CNN.
The poll surveyed 4,032 people between December 1, 2020 to May 3, 2021 and collected 27,951 lines of sample. It was conducted as part of the ongoing National Opinion Research Center (NORC) General Social Survey (GSS) using questionnaire-based methodologies.
Fifty percent of respondents stated they had sex once a month or less, the highest recorded statistic for sexless, or almost sexless, Americans, CNN reported.