In a tragic incident during a Hindu festival in Bihar, northern India, 37 children lost their lives to drowning. The festival, centered around the well-being of children, turned into a heartbreaking event for several families as a total of 46 individuals were reported dead in related incidents across the state. The festival, which is traditionally celebrated to pray for the long life and prosperity of children, saw families gathering near bodies of water to perform rituals. It's a day marked by joyful activities, with special prayers, and the giving of gifts and sweets. However, the celebratory mood was shattered by unforeseen tragedies that unfolded near the water bodies. The victims, primarily children, had gone to rivers and ponds to participate in the festival rituals. Initial reports suggest that the accidents occurred due to a combination of overcrowding, lack of safety measures like life jackets, and the inexperience of many of the children with swimming. These factors contributed to a series of drownings in various locations around the state, casting a pall of sorrow over the region. The state government of Bihar expressed deep condolences to the families of the victims and announced an inquiry into the incidents to understand the causes and prevent future tragedies. Local authorities have also been directed to review safety measures near water bodies, especially during festivals and large gatherings, to ensure such a heartbreaking incident does not reoccur. This tragedy highlights the need for increased awareness about water safety, especially during large gatherings and festivals near bodies of water. Experts suggest that basic precautions,
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